Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Wow Wizards

The lack of heart the Wizards showed last night was embarrassing. To get beat by 30 points in the playoffs is unacceptable. Does anybody really think that the Cavs are 30 points better than the Wizards???? I didn't think so. In fact, a lot of people thought the Wizards had a real chance to win this series, including me. I'm starting to have serious doubts about this team. They talk a good game, but when it comes down to the things you need to do to win in the playoffs, mainly play tough defense, they just don't do it. Agent Zero had a horrible game, whether it be because of injury or not, you can't continue to take bad shots AND commit horrible fouls on the defensive side of the ball. Also, where was Jamison??? I don't think I saw him do anything close to his great performance in game one. Caron Butler is having a very pedestrian series so far. I wish somebody would tell him that Wally can't guard him if his life depended on it. I'll end on this note......Brendon Haywood, that was a cheap shot you put on Bron Bron. When I first saw it, I thought Bron Bron made it look a lot worst than it was, but you just flat out pushed him in mid air. Wizards......win at home on Thursday to keep the series alive or it's over.


1 comment:

AJ said...

Its already over, without agent 0 being 100% they have no chance or heart.