Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Houston you have a problem

Ok...So let me first say this, I'm a huge Houston Rocket Fan. For the 2nd time in this playoffs, I've watched my beloved Rockets get hype, get on the court, and get ROCKED. What in the hell is going on Rockets? Can you not win a freaking game? You are about to get swept out of the Playoffs. Last year you went 7 games. This year, its 4 and done. Skip to my 3pter hasn't played. You have bum@$$ Aaron Brooks playing. Scola still thinks this is the FIBA League. Landry is being exploited. Dikembe "I have a lot of middle names" Mutombo isn't wagging his finger anymore. Chucky Hayes is playing like we all knew he would...A BUM. And then we have Mr. T-Mac. Mr. ESPN Article in High School. Dude I watched you at Mt. Zion. WTF is up? You have scored all of 2 points in 2 4th Quarters in the freaking playoffs? Do you not want to play? Is is your toenail hurt? I don't get it. I'm quite disappointed in you guys. You let me down. Jazz in 3..you freaking bums. I don't even feel like venting on you bum @$$ mofos anymore. I'm not watching another Rocket game until next season. Its too sad.



AJ said...

T-MAc is overated!! He is the worst team leader in history at least Vince Carter can get his team out the first round in his career, the guy is a loser, has ever won anything.

Nick said...

T-Mac wil never get out of the 1st round unless he goes to a team like the Spurs ir soemone else.