Friday, April 25, 2008

Reversal of Heart?!?!

So if you read my entry below titled "Wow Wizards", I called the Washington Wizards out after losing by 30 to the Cavs. Calling them everything but punks, I basically said they were on the ropes, and losing by 30 in the playoffs is inexcusible. Wellllllllll, then they turn around last night and absolutely dismantled the Cavs by 36 points. They looked like a totally different team, ditching their temporary fake identity of trying to play like the bad boy Pistons and knocking the crap out of anybody that came into the lane, and getting back to what made them at times this year look like a force to be rekonned with. They were in every passing lane, holding Bron Bron to 3 assists. Their offense moved the ball around gracefully, and they were hitting it seems like every shot they took. It was truly a thing of beauty. The Wizards must have read my blog entry from the other day and took it to heart, so I would like to take full credit for the victory last night. I needed them to win that game because I'll be at game 4 on Sunday, and nobody wants to go to a playoff team with the team down 0-3.


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