Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Free Throw Dap

So let me set the stage for this craziness.

Player X goes up for a layup. Player X gets fouled. Player X gets to shoot 2 free throws. He starts his free throw ritual, aims, fires, and bricks. And the next thing that happens is, 3 - 4 of his teammates come up and give him dap, pat him on the butt, massage his calves or something retarded. WTF just happened?? This dude just missed a free throw, don't show him any love, fugging cuss his bum @$$ out. Its called a Free Throw. Meaning, if you miss this uncontested 15 foot shoot you are a freaking bum. And if I'm your teammate and you miss a free throw, you can best believe I'm not going to walk up to you and say, "Nice Try Buddy" or "You will get the next one" Eff that, if I do say anything it will be, "Coach get this non free throw shooting bum off my team" or "You fugging loser, you need to practice more".

Some might say, they are being good teammates and trying to give them some courage and motivation. You know what I say to that..WTFEVER. A good teammate doesn't miss wide open uncontested free throws. If you want some free throw dap, make the freaking free throw.



AJ said...

That causes team turmoil, your suppose to uplift your teammates, now if a guy is shooting 49% from the line all season then you cuss him out!!!

Nick said...

I have to agree with you Derrick, there is no need to give dap for a made a or miss free throw.