Monday, May 5, 2008

Hi Oh Silver AWAY!!!!

Ok, I'm pretty sure everyone has seen or heard about the "fiasco" that unrivalled over this past weekend. Picture this, Kentucky Derby. Thousands of people drinking drinks. Women everywhere wearing hats that would probably get them killed if they were at a basketball game or baseball game. And hundreds of horses, walking, trotting and chilling. So what happens is...One brave soul was rounding the corner and something happened. I'm not totally sure what but the horse fell down and broke its front 2 ankles. Now the doctors and trainers all had to come out there and check on it and they had to eventually "put the horse down." Sad right? I thought it was sad for about 1.2 milliseconds and then started thinking about what I should eat for dinner.

Fast forward to I'm riding back to Charlotte with my boy C and we are listening to the radio and the announcers brings up the above situation. Starts saying how people are devastated, kids crying and needing therapy, women wanting to commit suicide and so forth. I look at C with that Eddie Murphy face from "Trading Places". You know the face, where he is talking to the Old dudes going over the stock items and they say, "This is pork belly, which is made into bacon" and Eddie looks at the screen like, "I fugging know you ignorant mofo". Thats the face I had because I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Now don't get me wrong. I love animals. I had a dog for a pet. I had some goldfish. I eat meat with lots of garlic, so I love my animals. Anyway, I started thinking to myself, How can these people feel this bad for an animal. We have millions of people dying left and right but we have people devastated over a horse dying. Really?

Then I started to think about this horse.
Its been trained from birth to run. To carry a larger than normal midget on its back. To be beaten with a whip. To be choked by whatever it is thats in its mouth. It risks life and death every time it runs because a simple ankle injury and its game over. But it has no control over this. Maybe this was the horses out in life? But seriously, look at it like this. These people claim to treasure these animals so but yet such a trivial injury means death? Why risk the animals life if you love it so much? Do you know how many basketball teams we would have if a sprained ankle meant death?? I'm sure I'd stop balling and playing ball right now.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Gotta Love Playoffs

So lets take a recap of whats happened so far.

Ason Kidd, Irk, and Allas were eliminated. Time to go fishing Dirk. I'm guessing that month long trip to Australia didn't really do anything for you and your feelings. Where are you going to go next? China, Japan? No I got it. You will probably go down to Antarctica and hang out with the penguins. Maybe you can defend them. As much as I am not a Dirk fan, I'd say this game ended with the Lil Big General. This is the 2nd Year in a row that he has changed the lineup and moved pieces around which ultimately destroyed his team. I know most people will say that he had to because no one could guard Chris Paul. Well, Ill say this, even with the lineup changes, no one on Dallas roster could guard Chris Paul. This dude even through out Buffoone Lue at Paul. That was basically the end of it there. I have some news for Mr. Lil General. What works in the regular season will probably work in the playoffs. Stick to your guns and stop changing crap, have faith in your players.

On a side note. Has Avery Johnson finally hit the level where every time you see him on TV, you pray to the NBA Gods that someone will make this guy a commentator. Could you imagine Charles Barkley and Avery Johnson discussing anything related to Basketball. I bet half the time Charles would be stuck staring at Avery in disbelief at how funny he sounds. I'm laughing just thinking about it.

Suns....Fishing time for you guys. How is that Marion trade feeling now? Whats that you say, You couldn't beat the Spurs with Marion, so you wanted to try to beat them without him? Well, Hope about you can't beat them with Marion, can't beat them without Marion, and now you have added 20mil to your payroll. Steve Kerr you sir are a great GM. Nice Job there.

Rockets...For those they say the Rockets don't play GREAT Defense...Game 5 was a very nice showing on Defense. Keep up the good work fellows.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Reversal of Heart?!?!

So if you read my entry below titled "Wow Wizards", I called the Washington Wizards out after losing by 30 to the Cavs. Calling them everything but punks, I basically said they were on the ropes, and losing by 30 in the playoffs is inexcusible. Wellllllllll, then they turn around last night and absolutely dismantled the Cavs by 36 points. They looked like a totally different team, ditching their temporary fake identity of trying to play like the bad boy Pistons and knocking the crap out of anybody that came into the lane, and getting back to what made them at times this year look like a force to be rekonned with. They were in every passing lane, holding Bron Bron to 3 assists. Their offense moved the ball around gracefully, and they were hitting it seems like every shot they took. It was truly a thing of beauty. The Wizards must have read my blog entry from the other day and took it to heart, so I would like to take full credit for the victory last night. I needed them to win that game because I'll be at game 4 on Sunday, and nobody wants to go to a playoff team with the team down 0-3.


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Free Throw Dap

So let me set the stage for this craziness.

Player X goes up for a layup. Player X gets fouled. Player X gets to shoot 2 free throws. He starts his free throw ritual, aims, fires, and bricks. And the next thing that happens is, 3 - 4 of his teammates come up and give him dap, pat him on the butt, massage his calves or something retarded. WTF just happened?? This dude just missed a free throw, don't show him any love, fugging cuss his bum @$$ out. Its called a Free Throw. Meaning, if you miss this uncontested 15 foot shoot you are a freaking bum. And if I'm your teammate and you miss a free throw, you can best believe I'm not going to walk up to you and say, "Nice Try Buddy" or "You will get the next one" Eff that, if I do say anything it will be, "Coach get this non free throw shooting bum off my team" or "You fugging loser, you need to practice more".

Some might say, they are being good teammates and trying to give them some courage and motivation. You know what I say to that..WTFEVER. A good teammate doesn't miss wide open uncontested free throws. If you want some free throw dap, make the freaking free throw.


Houston you have a problem

Ok...So let me first say this, I'm a huge Houston Rocket Fan. For the 2nd time in this playoffs, I've watched my beloved Rockets get hype, get on the court, and get ROCKED. What in the hell is going on Rockets? Can you not win a freaking game? You are about to get swept out of the Playoffs. Last year you went 7 games. This year, its 4 and done. Skip to my 3pter hasn't played. You have bum@$$ Aaron Brooks playing. Scola still thinks this is the FIBA League. Landry is being exploited. Dikembe "I have a lot of middle names" Mutombo isn't wagging his finger anymore. Chucky Hayes is playing like we all knew he would...A BUM. And then we have Mr. T-Mac. Mr. ESPN Article in High School. Dude I watched you at Mt. Zion. WTF is up? You have scored all of 2 points in 2 4th Quarters in the freaking playoffs? Do you not want to play? Is is your toenail hurt? I don't get it. I'm quite disappointed in you guys. You let me down. Jazz in freaking bums. I don't even feel like venting on you bum @$$ mofos anymore. I'm not watching another Rocket game until next season. Its too sad.


Wow Wizards

The lack of heart the Wizards showed last night was embarrassing. To get beat by 30 points in the playoffs is unacceptable. Does anybody really think that the Cavs are 30 points better than the Wizards???? I didn't think so. In fact, a lot of people thought the Wizards had a real chance to win this series, including me. I'm starting to have serious doubts about this team. They talk a good game, but when it comes down to the things you need to do to win in the playoffs, mainly play tough defense, they just don't do it. Agent Zero had a horrible game, whether it be because of injury or not, you can't continue to take bad shots AND commit horrible fouls on the defensive side of the ball. Also, where was Jamison??? I don't think I saw him do anything close to his great performance in game one. Caron Butler is having a very pedestrian series so far. I wish somebody would tell him that Wally can't guard him if his life depended on it. I'll end on this note......Brendon Haywood, that was a cheap shot you put on Bron Bron. When I first saw it, I thought Bron Bron made it look a lot worst than it was, but you just flat out pushed him in mid air. at home on Thursday to keep the series alive or it's over.


Monday, April 21, 2008

Monday Morning Banter

So what do we at Sports Writers Blok do on Monday Morning when we get to work? Well, of course we fire up that good ol Google Talk and immediately start arguing about the weekend sporting events. Today we're discussing the NBA Playoffs. This ladies and gents, is what we do, and is what will keep people reading this site for years to come.


8:47 AM Dane: i guess it's pistons in 5 now

Derrick: yea, i thnk that my was prediction

lazy bums

Dane: it was 4

Derrick: o

8:52 AM Dane: i don't know about there, but it's a crappy day here

Derrick: yea someone was just telling me that

its nice here

light breaze

Dane: nice

8:55 AM any new thoughts on lakers v nuggets

8:57 AM Derrick: Lakers in 2

At first the game was looking good

Denver looked like they would make it a series

then they imploded

and Gasol scored like 580 points

Dane: thats what they do

8:58 AM melo says, time to chill

Derrick: Odom got like 479 rebounds and assists

Melo put up 30 12 and 5

just got eclipsed by the Lakers

Kobe didn't even have to play

for them to win

Dane: yea, but what did his man score


i watched melo play matador defense

Derrick: Denver doesn't match up well with the Lakers

8:59 AM Dane: according to you and steve they did

Derrick: no

i said they had a chance

i said


there players should win the 1 on 1s

with Carter on the court

Dane: and i totally disagree with that

Derrick: I'm sure you do

it doesn't even matter anymore

9:00 AM After Game 1

i was wrong

Dane: no, you weren't wrong

Derrick: Denver has no shot

Dane: you were DEAD wrong


Derrick: sigh


no heart, no defense, no desire, NO SHOT

Derrick: wouldnt even say that

they have no Bigs

9:01 AM At all times, Lakers can have 3 7 footish people on the court

and all can pass

Dane: they have the defensive player of the year from last year

Derrick: last year dont mean crap

Dane: it's not even the height man

Derrick: dont give me that

it is the height

Dane: it's the ball movement

Derrick: when you have Ant. Carter checking Radmon

Dane: regardless of the height, when you don't play team defense it doesn't mater


if gasol was 4 feet tall, they would have still been wide open lay ups

9:02 AM Derrick: RADMON posted up Carter...turned around..raised his arms..and chilled

Dane: but that wasn't the story of the game

Derrick: Story of the Game

was Gasol running down the middle of the lane like a fucking gazelle


you just proved my point

now go back up and read what i typed

Derrick: i dont feel like it

9:03 AM Dane: regardless of the height, when you don't play team defense it doesn't mater
if gasol was 4 feet tall, they would have still been wide open lay ups

Derrick: Thats an assumption

that can never be backed up

Dane: get the eff outta here

Derrick: but I understand the premise

Did you see Farmer running down the lane getting layups??


so get the hell outta here

I mean, Fisher shoulda been doing it

Dane: it's because thats not the offense

Derrick: .................


9:04 AM Dane: how many times do you see the PG running down the middle of the lane in the triangle???????

Derrick: im done with Lakers/Nuggets


bottom line

Derrick: You see Timmahs 3 Pter

Dane: no defense

no defense

no defense

Derrick: Suns/Spurs is going to be a great series

dont know why you were sleeping on it

9:05 AM Dane: what do you think about the nuggets defense?

Derrick: Derrick: im done with Lakers/Nuggets

Dane: you're breaking up

Derrick: Derrick: im done with Lakers/Nuggets


Derrick: im done with Lakers/Nuggets

Derrick: im done with Lakers/Nuggets

Derrick: im done with Lakers/Nuggets

Derrick: im done with Lakers/Nuggets

Derrick: im done with Lakers/Nuggets

Derrick: im done with Lakers/Nuggets

Dane: are you typing?

can you hear me now?

i asked you about the nuggets defense.........can you see this?

9:06 AM Derrick: I couldn't beleive how well the Spurs/Suns game was

I hope all of there games go into OT

as long as they don't start late at night

Dane: haahahhahaa, why are you ignoring me?

9:07 AM Derrick: Not ignoring you

Just told you I was done with that particular convo

you decided to ignore my comment, so i ignored yours

Dane: thats mature

Derrick: You started it


Suns/ going to watch the series

or say it doesn't interest you anymore

Dane: yea, of course i'm gonna watch it

9:08 AM i hate the spurs but as long as it keeps me interested, it's fine

timmah hit one of the most big time shots i've ever seen

Derrick: was incredible

im sure he couldnt believe he hit it

and I had to argue with Steve about that shot as well

9:09 AM Dane: i just can't understand the logic of thinking that play was drawn up for him

Derrick: im with you

9:10 AM Popovich isn't crazy

Dane: option #1 was ginobli quick score off the pick

#2 was if they sagged off of finley while ginobil drove, Fin dog for 3 in the corner

9:11 AM option #3 was ginobli pull up for 3, BUT SHAQ STAYED WITH HIM OFF OF THE PICK

Derrick: exactly

option #4 was Parker in the bottom corner...

Dane: now, Timmah decided to FADE instead of roll to the bucket

Derrick: it was stand and watch

pick and watch

Dane: Timmah was closer to ginobli than parker

9:12 AM so he threw it to him

Derrick: true..but just saying, Timmah was never supposed to have gotten the ball

Dane: Timmah knows that Frenchie can't hit a 3 so he took it

Derrick: Frenchie? really?

Dane: he's from france correct?

he speaks french?

Derrick: Do you call Manu, Argentie?

or Duncan, Virign Islandie?

or Finley, Blackie?

Dane: that makes no sense Sir

9:13 AM Derrick: Just saying, why do you bring in his nationality?

Dane: all of those were Derrick manufactured names

Derrick: based on Dane calling a SA Spurs basketball player by his nationality and not his name

9:14 AM Dane: hmmmmmm, interesting

you lashing out at me calling that guy Frenchie must be guilt for that Inmate 24 comment

Derrick: no guilt

I embrace calling Inmate #24, Inmate #24

Not lashing out

9:15 AM just wondering why you are calling Parker out his name and not standing behind it

I speak French, you dont call me Frenchie

Dane: you're not from france

twist your lame argument some more

come on

Derrick: Just wondering why you aren't consistent in your naming of basketball players

could you elaborate ?

9:16 AM Dane: consistent in naming bball players


Derrick: yea

you gave Parker that nickname

but who else have you giving a nickname to that follows that logic?

Dane: so now nicknames must follow logic?

so who else do you call Inmate #XX?

9:17 AM Derrick: If you can name another player that was indicted of similar charges, he too will be Inmate #XX

Dane: oh, similar charges

not just arrested

Derrick: yup

9:18 AM Dane: and has to be similar charges

Derrick: basically

Dane: so you don't have a similar nickname for Melo

who put peoples lives in danger by driving drunk

Derrick: Hmm, I haven't come up with a funny name for him

9:19 AM But I'm still waiting for you to elaborate on your policy


Dane: gotta be consistent, it has to be Inmate #xx

Derrick: nah, Inmate isn't funny for him

now if he would have hit someone

then yea

9:20 AM Dane: there's no policy....French people have often been referred to as Frenchie for a long it's funny

Derrick: lol

thats all you had to say

like pulling teeth

Dane: and all you had to do was accept it.....instead of doing the Derrick

Derrick: but i wouldnt be me

Dane: yes, and you wouldn't be annoying

9:21 AM Derrick: annoying is your opinion. I see it as understanding the thinking of others :D

Dane: sigh


as i was saying before you took us off the main highway

9:22 AM Derrick: Spurs and Suns

Dane: right

9:23 AM so Timmah looks at FRENCHIE in the corner and says........HMMMMM.....i'm a way better shooter than him, hesitates for another few seconds, then drains one of the biggest 3's in playoff history

Derrick: hahah

Dane: then shows rare flashes of emotions

Derrick: rofl

was waiting for that

Dane: it was good

Derrick: it was great

9:24 AM And Chris Paul basically said, Experience doesn't matter

Dane: he played his ass off


9:25 AM Derrick: ya

Dane: i still expect it to go 6 or 7

Derrick: I see Dallas trapping him for the entire 2nd half

Dane: they really just need to steal one

Derrick: Going to be interesting

9:27 AM Dane: now

your boys (the rockets)

got smashed

Derrick: sigh

freaking bums

all of them mofos

so pissed

Dane: my boys (the jazz) were in control all game

Derrick: all game?

9:28 AM they were in control as soon as the matchups were decided

bum ass rockets

Dane: LOL

Derrick: they gonna get swept

Dane: there is not a player on the court that can hold Dwill

they are soooooo lacking at the PG spot

Derrick: it wasn't even him

AK47 was on a tear

Dane: yes he was

Derrick: i stopped watching it afterwhile

if AK47 is killing, its pointless

Dane: boozer was ballin

Derrick: Okur was banging 3's

9:29 AM im

Dane: thats how they've looked for a couple of weeks

Derrick: and dont get me started on Korver

Dane: okur is a monster.......they lost last year because he folded under the pressure

he balls this year, they're gonna be tough to beat

and now they have the man now named X-Factor


9:30 AM biggest trade of the season

Derrick: ya

he gives them a shooter they need

so they can spread the floor

9:31 AM Dane: so tell me

what happened to this stellar defense you were telling me about?

Derrick: lol

can't believe you asked that question

1 Game and you want to ask about stellar defense

I'm not even going to respond to that nonsense

9:32 AM Dane: a game is a either play D or you don't

so if you're saying it was just an anomaly than i'll wait until game 2

i'm willing to take that

Derrick: if you are trying to base stellar d off of 1 have lost your mind

9:33 AM Dane: my friend

this is all i'm saying

9:34 AM if you can't score enough're supposed to play defense, and if you're one of the best in the league at you say they are......then the playoffs is a good time to start


if you truly think it was just one game......then i'll wait

9:35 AM Derrick: if you can't score enough points...thats a comical statement in itself

they play great D

Utah is a great team as well

and 1 more thing

everytime someone loses a game, they didn't score enough points

there isn't a magic number that if a team reachs thhat number, they win automatically

because they scored enough points

9:36 AM Dane: i'm willing to wait until game 2 to see this great D, and we can discuss then

9:37 AM but you continue to argue

Derrick: Not arguing

I'm just saying

they play good d

you can play great D and still lose

Dane: so it went from stellar to great to good?

Derrick: How about you tell me what you expect Great D to look like?

im sorry if i used a different adjective

9:38 AM good/great/stellar/awesome/whatever you want to call it

Dane: sir

lets recall

when we talked about this series

i said, rockets don't score enough points

you said......they play great d.....they don't need to score 32892239823 points

9:39 AM i said.....i still don't think they play this great defense that people talk about

Derrick: because you dont watch the games..but i hear you

Dane: battier is a great on the ball defender.....but without a shot blocker in there, i think it's totally different

9:40 AM Derrick: ok

Dane: now, after game 1

9:41 AM i'm just asking if you expect it to kick up a notch for game 2 or were you wrong

you say kick it up........i wait

Derrick: I expect them to go out and play great d

Dane: thats all you had to say

then i will wait

Derrick: haha wtfever

Dane: after all, its one game

9:42 AM how many times did i say, I'LL WAIT......but you kept arguing

9:43 AM Derrick: haha

i wasn't arguing

What do you expect Dallas to do to try and slow down Paul?

Dane: they have to double him, and Terry has to take and embrace that assignment

9:44 AM because we know kidd can't check him.......many in small chunks of time.....but it has to be terry's assignment for most of the game

9:45 AM Derrick: who is going to pick up the scoring if Terry is chasing Paul around?

Dane: and you know much as I don't like him....I THINK they have Tyron Lue on their roster.....he might still be hurt, but that would be somebody else to throw at him

Derrick: ya

he is on the team

Dane: he's probably not on the playoff roster though, so that might be a useless point

but anyway......Terry is just gonna have to score too

9:46 AM Derrick: gonna be tired as hell

Dane: it's the playoffs, suck it up

9:47 AM Derrick: haha

9:48 AM Dane: the other thing is.......dallas needs to make shots to be able to trap at half

thats always the key

9:49 AM Derrick: they hit a drought right?

Dane: yea, it seemed like it

i wasn't as engaged in that game as i was the others

Derrick: really?

9:50 AM Dane: yea, we were talkin and arguing

i mean we were watching it, but i wasn't analyzing it

9:51 AM Derrick: and your boy charles!!!


Dane: hahahaha

Derrick: I asked dude a simple question

If your life is on the line and you had to choose 1 PG to take the ball from someone or you die

who would it be

dude said Chris Paul

I told him, I'd see you at your funeral